School of Transformational Business
This school is an intensive seven week course where you will begin to learn: how to start and manage a godly, profitable missional business with the purpose of extending the Kingdom of God in society and to the unreached nations. SOTB is designed for those who have a passion to know God and make Him known by doing business for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission.
This school will offer teachings of experienced entrepreneurs who have participated in Business as Mission and professionals who have experience in business management.
You will learn how to use business to reach people in different cultures.
SOTB belongs to the international ministry Business With A Mission – BWAM ( of Youth With A Mission that organizes, trains, and establishes networks to take the Gospel to the less reached places through business.
Foundations of BAM and BWAM (Values
and Best Practices)
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History of BAM
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Biblical Worldview of Business
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Integration of Business & Missions
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Hearing God’s Voice in Business
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Budgeting, Financial planning
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Character & Leadership of a Business
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Personal Business Presentation / Elevator Pitch
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